21/F with fever ,anaemai , recurrent UTI ,AUB-O with K/C/of DM 1

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome

 21 year old female studying Bsc computer sciences from nakrekal with two siblings( brothers : no significant medical issues) came with complaints of fever since 20 days lasted for 10 days high grade associated with chills and rigor not associated with cold ,cough, sob 


Year 2000 : Born

2007(Patient age 7 years) : complaints of increased frequency of micturition and history of fall because of giddiness so had been to hospital and grbs showed 750 mg/dl and was started on insulin since then.

She had been to doctor for DM 1 check up 

2013 : Attained menarche ( bleeds for 6 days( heavy flow of 4 pads soakage a day for every 1-2 months)

  Since 2015 : increased bleeding during mensus when compared to previous years

Her hb in 2018 : 9.5 gm%

Hb in 2019 : 8 gm%

April 20 /2021 : fever high grade associated with chills associated with pain abdmonem in the left iliac fossa went to hospital and got treated. 

No Burning micturition , increase frequency or urjency, dysuria

Gynic referral taken I/v/of genitourinary TB 

Treatment given: 

1) Inj ceftriaxone 1 gm iv bd 

2) Tab norflox 400 mg Po/bd 

3) Tab PCM 650 mg/po/TID 

4) Tab pantop 40 mg po/od 

                     8am            2pm          8 pm

5) INJ HAI   14              12              12

            NpH 22                0               20 

6 ) GRBS - 7 point profile 

7) BP/PR/Temp - monitoring  

Diagnosis : 21/F with Anemia secondsry to ? Iron deficiency with k/c/of DM 1 with AUB-O with recurrent UTI with ? genital  TB


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